Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mimi's New House


July 2012:  The plans for Mimi's new house are final:

First Week of August 2012: 

Construction began in early August when Bruce and I removed the shingles from the end of the house to make way for the addition.  We were happy to discover that it was possible to do so without damaging them so that they can all be re-used.  We also built the "dipping pavilion" to pre-dip the new cedar shingles (which came from a small shingle mill in East Corinth via Craig's List).  We'll fill the rack up every weekend until they are all done. 

August 15th:

The real fun began when the excavator arrived at 7:00 am.  (There were moms with kids in the yard for days watching.)  The hole was dug, the footings were poured, and the walls were poured over the course of a couple of weeks.  

digging the hole

pouring the footings

erecting the forms for the basement walls

pouring the walls

removing the tools - the concrete work is done

September 1st:

The next step was framing in all the basement windows, which Bruce did over Labor Day weekend.  (We are making our own basement windows because it was the only way to avoid vinyl.)  There will be a break in the action now while the cement cures, we figure out the drainage, and the existing sewer line is replaced (nasty surprise).  We are hoping to see lumber arrive by mid-September.  Mimi needs to get home from Africa to check it out!

notice the giant hole into our basement, thanks to some really big guys with a really big saw


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