Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26th

October 26th:  Finally, a dry week! 

Mark and Jerry worked long days to make up for lost time this week.  The new trusses arrived on Monday and they were all up and decked over by the end of Thursday.  It is quiet today because Mark is on his way to D.C. to run in the Marine Corps Marathon BUT we have a roof - just in time for the snor'eastercane (aka Frankenstorm Sandy).  (Of course, a shingled roof would be even better.)

the newly designed trusses - thank you Albert

Building Tip of the Week:  If you are frustrated with the rate of progress on your construction project, bake your builders cookies.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Walls Go Up

October 1-5:  Mark and Jerry framed up the walls this week, despite continued rain.  It is very exciting to finally be able to stand in the space.  At the same time we had a design crisis - Friday afternoon Bruce asked Mark to confirm that the soffits of the existing house and the addition were going to be in line (a clearly stated requirement of ours from the start).  Mark casually reported that they wouldn't because it was impossible to make roof trusses to accomplish it, and that "everything would be fine".  The trusses are already built and were due to arrive on Tuesday.  We put them on hold and were struggling with the dilemma when we had a serendipitous visit from Albert Putnum.  Yes, that's Mary's cousin who now lives around the corner and is a structural engineer extraordinaire   He, of course, designed new trusses on the spot.  So, new trusses it is and a delay of a couple of weeks.  We are kicking ourselves for not consulting with Albert at the start of the project.  Live and learn.

The big living room window (it will be a 9' triple casement), the front door, and the bedroom window.

The Thompson Street side.  Mimi's driveway will be centered on this end.  She will walk around to the left to her front door.  Two of the little square windows are in the bedroom and one is in the bathroom.

The Barrows Street side.  Mimi's dining room table will be centered on the big window.  The middle window will be over her sink; the left window, in the bathroom.

Looking out the living room window into the woods.

Standing in the middle of the dining-living room looking to the bedroom/bathroom wall.

Happy Columbus Day!